Retiring Accountant Blog

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Accountants Point Of Power

November 01, 2021

Accountants Point Of Power

1. Ownership. 

2. Accountability. 

3. Responsibility. 

---------- Point Of Power-----------

4. Excuses. 

5. Blame. 

6. Denial. 

Rob is a coder; Rory gets us to the top of Google. 

They have put a point of power poster on the IT office wall, and between them, they have begun an amusing double act. 

Let me explain...

Whilst one is giving an update on progress, the other will point a finger to the poster highlighting when any excuses, blame or denial are being uttered, 

Whilst this is highly amusing, it is also incredibly effective as a tool for personal development, achievement, and effectiveness. 

Anything below the point, is giving our power away. 

Denial is the worst. Lying to oneself and others, will condemn us permanently. 

Blame is the destroyer of all our relationships and of course, the better we get at excuses, the worst we become at everything else. 

Everything below the point of power is easy to get away with. It is always easier to make excuses, it is always easier to place blame on something or someone else, and it sure is easier to deny all knowledge in the first place! 

Getting above the point of power is harder and ultimately what we should always strive to achieve...

Responsibility is owning our actions (response-able- able to respond). 

Accountability is owning the result - not just the actions. 

Total ownership is ultimately the goal. 

So, when it comes to life, love, work, relationships, where do you currently rank in your own point of power?

What do you need to stop doing in your life right now?

Why haven't you done it? 

Is your turnover growing faster than the government's mismanagement that is devaluing the pound?

Are all your people on a self-development growth curve?

Are you spending your lifetime doing what you want to be doing every day? 

You don't have a Rob or a Rory with you, so please point at will to yourself as you justify...

Why not? 

PS. I wanted to say thank you to the three business owners, who sold their firm through us and asked me to restart this blog. 

I would say this is for you, but it would be a lie, it is for me. Mostly, because you showed me how much cash doing this, makes the firm. 

Sincere thanks and I hope you enjoy. 


Don’t struggle to navigate your Accountancy Acquisition

June 21, 2021

Don’t struggle to navigate your Accountancy Acquisition!

I’ve started to swim again.

And not just any type of swimming…

Wild swimming.

I’ve found it’s the best way to keep cool in the recent heatwave, whilst being able to enjoy it too.

You must be careful where you swim though…

Swimming in the wrong lake, or in rough seas can land you in deep water…

Have you found this to be true when moving through the Accountancy acquisition process too?

Got yourself in deep water and need to be rescued?

If so, download our eBook Five Fatal Errors made when Buying Accountancy Practices, now. 

It will provide the calm, placid lake you need to ensure your next dip in the acquisition process is as simple as can be.  

Best wishes,

Steve Hagues

PS Want to know how to acquire without needing a life vest? Click here

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

Don’t fall behind with new legislation

May 06, 2021

Don’t fall behind with new legislation… 

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but new legislation has been introduced by a Labour peer to tackle late payments.

Lord Mendelsohn has proposed a bill which would give a 30-day limit for all invoiced payments. This would allow accountants to impose large fines for repeat offenders. 

Finally, someone sticking up for the small Accountancy business owner. 

You need to make sure the same diligent legislation is in place when you acquire an Accountancy practice. 

You may not know what that legislation should be though… 

Download our eBook The 3 Biggest Mistakes Made When Selling Your Accountancy Firm, now. 

It will give you all the information you need to exit the industry properly. 

Don’t create your own legislation when you don’t need to. 

Best wishes, 

Steve Hagues 

PS Want to know why having a broad buyer base is important? Click here. 

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

To gain tax or not to gain tax

March 11, 2021

To gain tax, or not to gain tax…

That is the question.

And one that was answered with the dreaded reveal of the Budget a few days ago…

Surprisingly, it was good news! Capital Gains tax did not increase.

Not only is it staying put for this year, but it has been frozen until 2026.

Which makes it the perfect time to acquire an Accountancy practice or block of fees.

Download our eBook The Three Biggest Mistakes When Selling Your Accountancy Firm now, and get the ball rolling.

You wouldn’t want to run aground in 5 years’ time when the CGT does increase, and you need to acquire a new Accountancy practice just to keep afloat.

Don’t put yourself in that position.

Keep your world afloat by starting the acquiring process today.

Best wishes, 

Steve Hagues 

PS Want to know the five biggest blunders made by firms in their communications plan? Click here. 

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

Is the end in sight for you

March 01, 2021

Is the end in sight for you?

It seems the government may finally have us on the road to recovery…

On the 8th of March children go back to school, which I’m sure we’re all pleased about.

On the  17th of May we can see people who aren’t in our household.

And on June 21st we can all be free.         

You don’t have to be though…

Download our eBook the Five Fatal Errors when Buying Accountancy Practices, now.

It can be your roadmap for easing into acquiring an Accountancy practice. 

Take our advice, along with the Government’s, and ease yourself back into the real world. 

There’s never been a better time to do it. 

Best wishes, 

Steve Hagues 

PS Want to know what’s on our Due Diligence Checklist? Click here. 

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

What are you giving up for lent

February 22, 2021

With everything that’s going on in the world, it’s been hard to find reasons for hope or celebration.

But recently we’ve been flipped onto Shrove Tuesday.

Although it may seem like a small victory, I’m sure we all enjoyed flipping pancakes without a care in the world.

I enjoyed it so much I forgot about the Christian festival that follows…


Which got me thinking… 

What would be best to give up for forty days and nights… 

You could give up alcohol, or perhaps meat, or even your Accountancy practice.

You don’t just want to give up your practice for forty days and nights though, you want to make sure you depart from the industry properly.

Our eBook The 3 Biggest Mistakes Made When Selling Your Accountancy Firm, will advise you on the common mistakes made when going through this process, and how to avoid them.

Why wander the desert when it comes to exiting the industry? 

You can know for certain which path to take, and it will only take 10 minutes of your time. 

Best wishes, 

Steve Hagues 

PS Want to know why having a broad buyer base is important? Click here. 

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

Are you still enjoying the snow

February 16, 2021

Are you still enjoying the snow?

It seems the UK is on its third cold snap of the season.

And the more we have, the colder they get.

If you’re anything like me, you’re incredibly jealous of the stunning scenes pictured around the UK at the moment. From the Yorkshire Dales, to the Scottish Highlands, the UK has never looked so beautiful.

We may not be able to appreciate the snow in all its glory for the time being, but you can appreciate our eBook the Three Mistakes That Lose You Clients as a Result of Acquisition.

Download it now and give it a read.

It isn’t as picturesque as the Ben Nevis Range, but it will be much more useful if you’re considering acquiring an Accountancy practice anytime soon.

Why make the easy mistakes, when you can download our eBook and be one step ahead of the game.

Best wishes,

Steve Hagues

PS Want to know the five biggest blunders made by firms in their communication plan? Click here.

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

How social is your media

January 28, 2021

How Social is your Media?

Are you tired of not understanding anything the “younger” generation are saying?

Want to know how to make your company “cool” or “sick”, which I’ve been told are good things, by the way.

You don’t have to learn the language of the new generation to have a successful Accountancy firm, but you do need to learn how to communicate with them.

Unfortunately, this means learning the land of social media.

I know… daunting.

Let me help.

Download our eBook How to use Social Media effectively as a market strategy, now.

It’ll make the process of learning how to attract more people via social media a walk in the… web.

I know we’re all rolling our eyes with how the world is now choosing to communicate, but you can be one step ahead of your competition by honing this craft.  

Don’t get left behind when trying to attract new clients.

You may regret it…

Best wishes,

Steve Hagues

PS Want to know the five advantages to using LinkedIn? Click here.

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

Are you having your worst weeks

January 14, 2021

The government have warned that the next few weeks may be the worst ever recorded throughout our pandemic…

I’m sure we all thought that the worst weeks of the pandemic were far behind us…

Seemingly not.

Despite vaccines being rolled out in their millions and the most vulnerable being immunised, it still feels as though we are living in the dark ages.  

You don’t have to though.

Download our eBook the Five Fatal Errors made when Buying Accountancy Practices, now.

See for yourself how easy you can make the process.


You could wonder alone through the turbulent process of acquiring and hopefully not get lost…

It’s up to you.

Best wishes,

Steve Hagues

PS Want to know how to communicate effectively with clients? Click here.

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!


Another year another lockdown

January 07, 2021

Another year, another lockdown…

It’s fair to say we thought this part of our lives might be over by now.

I’m sure we’re all sighing in disbelief at the new variant and the call to action to stop its transference.

But maybe this will be third time lucky…

It doesn’t have to be third time lucky when trying to exit the industry though.

You can keep all your hard-earned cash and fulfil your dreams… it’s easier than you know.

Download our eBook The Three Biggest Mistakes When Selling Your Accountancy Firm.

You’ll keep all your hard-earned cash and have a successful transition. Which I’m sure you’ll agree is the best of both worlds!

If you have been thinking about exiting the industry recently, don’t waste anymore time, we might not have much left…

Best wishes,

Steve Hagues

PS Want to know why quality of buyers is so important, click here.

PPS Want to know what the market is doing right now? Click here, our expert consultants are here to update you with all the information you seek!

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